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Our readers at Mass are drawn from volunteers across the parish who want to partake in this ministry. Coaching and guidance can be provided if required to help younger or more nervous individuals unaccustomed to speaking in public.

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Eucharistic Misters assist the celebrant at Mass with the distribution of the precious body and blood of Jesus.  They are trained by the diocese at a one day programme and then commissioned most usually by a bishop. 


They also have an important role in taking communion to the sick and housebound in our parish.


If you would like to find out more, please contact Fr Emeka.

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Please email lee@rcaos if you would like to find out more or listen out for announcements at Mass or in the Parish Newsletter aadvertising upcoming training sessions.

The Guild of St Stephen supports and encourages the highest standards of altar serving. Children may begin training once they have received their First Holy Communion.

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Children’s Liturgy takes place in term time at the 9am Family Mass and is open to all children from 3 to 7 years of age.

0208 857 5006

45B Burnt Ash Hill, London SE12 0AE, UK

©2022 Our Lady of Lourdes and selected photos P Wall .

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