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Readers and Eucharistic Ministers Rota

Our Lady of Lourdes

Theresa, Catherine and Kate will be preparing the new rota on 4th March 2023 as the current one runs out on 19th March; the new rota will run from 25th March to 25th June, 2023 and will include services for Palm Sunday and the Easter Triduum as well as masses on Ascension Thursday – please see dates/times set out below. Kindly confirm your availability by email to the team by Friday, 3rd March, 2023.

Please note the following service/mass dates/times:

• Palm Sunday masses will be at 6:30 pm (on 01.04.23), and then at 9 am and 11 am on 02.04.23

• Holy Thursday (06.04.23) – 8pm start

• Good Friday (07.04.23) – 3pm start

• Easter Vigil (08.04.23) – 8pm start

• Ascension Day Vigil Mass (17.05.23) at 7.30 pm and Ascension Day (18.05.23) 9:30am

Please note also that for:

• Palm Sunday there we will be 1 Eucharistic Minister and 3 readers for each mass (1 reader for mass, 2 readers for the Passion).

• Good Friday there will be 1 Eucharistic Minister and 4 readers (1 reader for mass, 2 for the Passion, 1 for the intercessions)

• Easter Vigil there will be at least 1 Eucharistic Minister and 4 readers (1 reader for mass and 3 other readers for the 3 Old Testament readings).

As usual, when responding, kindly confirm:

1. Whether you have any dates to avoid within the periods covered by the next rota that is, 25th March to 25th June;

2. your preferred mass (time);

3. the Easter Tridium masses/services that you will be able to serve at;

4. whether you have any preference about taking the lengthy passion readings on Palm Sunday and Good Friday.

5. the Ascension Thursday mass (7:30 pm or 9:30am) that you will be able to serve at;

6. whether you are able /willing to take Holy Eucharist to the sick and housebound after Sunday mass (Eucharistic Ministers only) and

7. Any other preference/s that you want us to take account of.

Given the number of new volunteers, we plan to have a brief rehearsal for those who will be taking the Passion readings (at the Palm Sunday masses and on Good Friday) to ensure that everyone is comfortable with booklets, microphones, etc. It is likely that the rehearsals will take place after mass over the weekend of 18th /19th March, 2023 but these dates are yet to be confirmed – those taking the specific readings will be notified once the dates are confirmed.

Sharing of Contact Details

To aid ease of swapping dates with other volunteers, we plan to circulate/share a list containing the contact details (email/telephone numbers only) of all current readers and Eucharistic Ministers (Ems) to all current readers and EMs. We will do this when we send out the next rota unless you notify us by Friday, 3rd March 2023 that you do not wish your details to be shared.


0208 857 5006

45B Burnt Ash Hill, London SE12 0AE, UK

©2022 Our Lady of Lourdes and selected photos P Wall .

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